Thursday, April 2, 2009

Euphemistically speaking

I never cease to be amazed at the alacrity with which “progressives” use the English language to confuse and confound the public. We all know about the terms coined by the Obama Administration in which the war on terror becomes an “Overseas Contingency Operation” and terrorist acts are “man caused disasters. Yet, how many people have stopped to think about the so-called “Green” movement which, in this writer’s opinion, is completely inaccurate.

Unless I’ve got this all wrong, the stated goal of the “Green” movement is to steer the Earth away from so-called global warming by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thus induce global cooling. Obviously, then, it should actually be named the “White” movement, since ice and snow are white. Unfortunately, the term “white” is politically incorrect in that, in our current civilization, it is viewed as racist. Too, the word “green” carries lovely connotations of springtime and flowers, trees and grass—images all humanity relishes—while “white” connotes a coldness and emptiness that is unlikely to capture anyone’s imagination.

But, then, perhaps I’ve missed something. Ah, yes! “Green” also connotes images of dollar bills. Hmm. Maybe while the sheep among us are led to believe that the whole movement is about saving our world from destruction, those who have foisted this global warming nonsense upon us are actually in it for the green that will line their pockets when mankind is forced to purchase the “green” products in which they have invested and politicians salivate at the prospect of the huge tax revenues inherent in the “cap and trade” scheme.

Imagine. Forty-eight years ago, George Orwell predicted this very “newspeak” in his novel 1984. I wonder if that is still required reading in high school. Somehow, I doubt it.

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