Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Misrepresentation can't change the truth (or "sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me")
So, it's okay. Go ahead and label us racists. It doesn’t make us racists, nor will it deter us from defending a way of life that is the envy of the world. If you must, keep using misrepresentation and hyperbole to describe our concerns and our efforts, but that will only work as long as you can hide the truth from fair minded, liberty loving Americans who want to run their own lives free from unwelcome government interference. And, you can use all the socially correct words in your “New Speak” dictionary to try to convince folks that government is a marvelous money manager and intrinsically beneficent, but many of us still remember George Washington’s admonition: “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
So get used to it, Lefty. We’re here, and we’re not going away. We won’t be fooled by your red herrings about Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public schools, and the like, because we all know that these tax funded entities are forced upon us by liberals with a centuries old socialist agenda (you might want to look up “socialist”—it has no “n” in it). Despite your protestations, we all know it is the government that has run those entitities, as well as the Postal Service, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and myriad other programs into bankruptcy, and we know that giving a bureaucrat control of our health care is equivalent to giving a five-year-old the keys to the family car—no good can come of it. There are better solutions out there, so open your eyes, open your mind, and try thinking. Even liberals must eventually realize that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel just because a spoke is broken.
"THE PLOT is disturbingly relevant"--Bob Woodward
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ever wonder what a 9-1-1 call would be like under Govt Health Care?
“Hello. Thank you for calling your Government Health Care Hotline, where your health is our primary concern.
To speak to someone in English, press one
Para hablar con alguien en español, pulse dos
Pour parler à quelqu'un en français, appuyez sur trois”
"Thank you. You have indicated that you wish to speak in English. If this is correct, press one. Otherwise, press 4 to return to the prior menu."
"Thank you. To ensure that we have the correct contact information, please enter your ten digit telephone number including your area code. For example, 5555555555."
"We’re sorry. We didn’t receive that. Please reenter your 10 digit telephone number including your area code. "
"Thank you. If you are a hospital or health care facility, please press one. If you are a nurse, please press two. If you are a doctor, press three. If you are a patient, press four. If you are calling on behalf of someone else and are not a hospital, nurse, or doctor, please press 5. "
"Thank you. If you are calling to request assistance with an accident involving a vehicle, press 1. If you are calling to request assistance with any other accident, press 2. If you are calling to request assistance with a pregnancy, press 3. If you are calling to request assistance with food poisoning, press 4. If you are calling to request assistance with any other poisoning, please press 5. If you are calling to request assistance with a stroke, please press 6. If you are calling to request assistance with a heart attack or other immediate life threatening situation, please press 0."
"I’m sorry. All of our representatives are busy at this time. Please hang up and call back again later. (click)”
Kathleen Lamarche
Author of THE PLOT, award winning suspense thriller--"The novel for our time"
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
"Haste Makes Waste" or What's the Rush?
But, folks, the answer really ain’t that hard. In fact, it’s downright obvious. You know the old saying that it’s easier to ask forgiveness than to get permission? Well, the Obama administration has institutionalized that philosoply by presenting—nay, demanding—legislation that is so bad for the us, the citizens of the United States, the last thing he wants is for you, me, or our “representatives” in Congress to know what’s happening to us in time for us to stop it.
That, of course, begs the question...can we stop it? Judging from recent experience, our representatives don’t listen to us anyway. Millions of people have written, faxed, and called Congress telling them to vote “No” on the trillions of dollars of wasteful spending in TARP and “Stimulus”—not to mention the absurd Cap and Trade bill—only to receive “I know better than you what’s good for you” form letters from staffers who never even show our comments to our Senators and Representatives. I guess they figure that, eventually, we’ll realize that they have us by the short hairs and will give up.
But, I digress. The truth is that nothing that permanently affects our lives—be it taxes, income, jobs, health care, or individual rights—is so urgently needed that we shouldn’t be allowed to know what is being done before it’s done unless those in power have something to hide from us. And, if it’s being hidden, it can’t be good for us. Hence, before we fall for the “urgent” assertion again, let’s tell them to slow down, show us what they are trying to do, give all of us the opportunity to know what is going on by actually putting the legislation in writing and publishing it for all the world to see before it's passed.
The effects of so-called global warming aren’t so immediate that we can’t wait a few months to look over the legislation, discuss it publicly, debate it, and decide what, if anything, would be an effective means of countering it. Too, the health care debate has been raging since before some in the Sixties Generation fell in love with European style socialism, so surely “health care reform” will wait a few more months until we can all see what they are proposing, evaluate how it will affect us, and let Congress know whether it is what we want or not. After all, either way, it is we, the people, who will be paying for it, because government only has the money it takes from our wallets.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Have We, the People become the Wee People?
Among our most precious rights is the freedom to express ideas, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution which states “Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech,” yet recent Congresses (108th , 110th, 111th) have passed laws abridging this right through their so-called “hate crimes” bills. They are also attempting to limit freedom of speech by reorganizing the Federal Communications Commission and stifling the voices of concerned citizens whose only source for the “rest of the story” and access to the airwaves is talk radio. They are also considering methods to rein in freedom of expression on the Internet, and they have the audacity to misuse the Department of Homeland Security to condemn Americans who express their dissatisfaction with government through peaceful assembly.
As I watch our Senators and Representatives become nothing but toadies for the “spend America into the ground” Administration, blatantly denying us our rights and ignoring the Constitution from which they derive their authority, I wonder whether the biased media and the ignorance of the masses have successfully changed “We, the People” to “the Wee People” of the United States of America whose tiny voices are easily ignored?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Capitol Tea Party
Nonetheless, it did get local coverage, so that, in itself, was at least something. Of course, had it been a riot or a “peace” march, the media would have had continuous live coverage and maybe a few helicopters overhead. But, then, in all fairness, a couple of thousand law abiding citizens holding signs, clapping, and hoorah-ing at particularly salient points made by those at the microphone can hardly measure up to bloody riots or the vitriolic hyperbole of “pinkies.”
Despite the not-so-enthusiastic coverage by local media, it was a remarkable event which brought out everyday folks of every race, background, and political persuasion who had never in their wildest dreams thought that they would be involved in any demonstration. But then, neither had they ever imagined a day when their elected representives would turn a deaf ear to them nor that the United States government would become so paranoid that military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan would be labelled potential threats to the nation.
The Dept. of Homeland Security says I’m a dangerous radical—all 5’1”, 115 lbs. of me, but label me what you will, I’m looking forward to more tea parties where I can stand with other “radicals” to defend the Bill of Rights, the right to pursue happiness, and the right to keep a couple of my hard earned dollars to buy some groceries, pay my mortgage and medical insurance premiums, and even set a little aside for my precious grandchildren.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Euphemistically speaking
Unless I’ve got this all wrong, the stated goal of the “Green” movement is to steer the Earth away from so-called global warming by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thus induce global cooling. Obviously, then, it should actually be named the “White” movement, since ice and snow are white. Unfortunately, the term “white” is politically incorrect in that, in our current civilization, it is viewed as racist. Too, the word “green” carries lovely connotations of springtime and flowers, trees and grass—images all humanity relishes—while “white” connotes a coldness and emptiness that is unlikely to capture anyone’s imagination.
But, then, perhaps I’ve missed something. Ah, yes! “Green” also connotes images of dollar bills. Hmm. Maybe while the sheep among us are led to believe that the whole movement is about saving our world from destruction, those who have foisted this global warming nonsense upon us are actually in it for the green that will line their pockets when mankind is forced to purchase the “green” products in which they have invested and politicians salivate at the prospect of the huge tax revenues inherent in the “cap and trade” scheme.
Imagine. Forty-eight years ago, George Orwell predicted this very “newspeak” in his novel 1984. I wonder if that is still required reading in high school. Somehow, I doubt it.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Rest assured--the EPA is on the job
Kathleen Lamarche
author of THE PLOT and THE GUMSHOE
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A Taste of Tampa
Of course, that’s not the only fun thing about Tampa. There was the bellman at the hotel whose name tag had “Puerto Rico” etched beneath his name. Curious, I asked why that was there, and he replied in perfect American English, “That’s where I’m from.” Being me, I had to ask if everyone had that on their name tag, at which my dear hubby looked wide-eyed at me and said, “Honey, they’re not all from Puerto Rico!” Predictably, the bellman laughed at my husband’s oh! so funny joke, and I, also predictably, felt a little miffed at the deliberate misinterpretation of my question. On the other hand, since I’m such a snob about proper speech, maybe I deserved it.
Tampa has a lot going for it—if you can overlook the incredibly busy streets and highways—such as a beautiful Bay and myriad restaurants. My favorite restaurant was a quaint and casual Irish establishment named “Four Green Fields.” Gaelic posters celebrating Irish history and scenery cover the walls, and the menu boasts everything from authentic Irish soda bread to corned beef and cabbage as well as various brands of Irish beer that I’ve never heard of (besides Guinness). I was told by our hosts that a live band plays Irish ballads on Friday evenings. Being an aging colleen myself, I couldn’t help wishing I could have been there on Friday to hear all my old favorites, and I found myself humming “I’ll Take You Home Again, Kathleen” all the way back to Tallahassee. The evening before, we had discovered “The Capital Grille”—a decidedly posh restaurant catering to those wishing to “make an evening of it”—which featured gracious waiters, an extensive wine list, and abundant gourmet food served in courses over which diners were encouraged to linger. Upon leaving to return to our hotel, my stomach complained, “I can’t believe you ate so much.”
At any rate, it’s great to be home at Shell Point (40 miles south of Tallahassee) where our Bay is also beautiful, the atmosphere is decidedly casual, and golf carts go from 0 to 15 in 100 meters or more. Kathleen Lamarche, author -- The Plot and The Gumshoe
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Kathleen McCabe Lamarche- Award Winning Author
The panic syndrome that had kept me a prisoner in my own home for nearly ten years stood like a barrier between me and those dreams, but I decided that if I could overcome cancer, two teenaged children, and the stresses and strains of nearly thirty years of marriage, I could overcome anything. So, I hitched up my courage and stepped out into the world, first as a columnist for the local newspaper, then as a Creative Writing student at FSU, and finally as a successful novelist traveling to book events and speaking engagements throughout the southeast.
When I was selected "Woman of the Year" in 2004 by Tallahassee Community College for "inspiring hope and possibility," I knew for certain that "dreams are just reality waiting to happen" and that it isn't fairy godmothers but courage, determination, and faith in oneself that make dreams come true.
Kathleen Lamarche is the award-winning author of The Plot